The Witch Goddesses of Samhain: Elen of the Ways - Keeper of the Forest
This post is part of a 3-part series The Witch Goddesses of Samhain - Cerridwen, Hekate & Elen of the Ways.
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by”
- from “The Road Not Taken,” Robert Frost (1874-1963).
Elen of the Ways, Keeper of the Forest, is one of the most ancient deities in the British Isles dating back to the Paleolithic era. Over the millennia, her various myths and legends have intermingled with other Goddesses, Saints & historical figures such as Empress Helen so she has seemingly many guises.
She was primarily known as the Guardian of the Leys - the ancient track ways or energy lines under the Earth linking together various sacred, pre-historic sites and monuments through mysterious alignments on the landscape throughout the UK and into Europe. She is Protectress of these and all Pathways - whether they are physical, mental, emotional or spiritual paths.
The well-being of the land and the movement of the beings that live on that land all come under Her domain. She keeps the varied energies of the land, its fertility and the cycles of our natural world in balance and was known as ‘Light of the Land’ - her name literally means light.
In this way, Elen is the perfect guide to navigate the seasonal changes as the Light half of the year gives way to the Dark Half, beginning with Samhain and throughout the Yule season, helping us to stay in balance and connected to a sense of light as the light dims in the natural world.
Elen is depicted as an antlered Goddess, believed connected to Reindeers, migratory animals who made some of the first track-ways across Britain. (Reindeers, interestingly, are one of the only deer species where the females also have antlers which they hold onto throughout the year whereas the males lose theirs over winter.) Her antlers are also believed to connect Elen with an ancient Shamanic heritage in Britain. She is believed to preside over the ‘Dream pathways’ and is Priestess illuminator of the sacred paths.
An enigmatic deity, she dwells deep in the heart of the woods amongst the wild places where the deer roam. Fae mother, she is deeply connected with the elements and is also associated with sacred springs, waterfalls, ancient byways, holloways & crossroads. In that - and that she was often worshipped as a Patron Saint of travellers, long before Saint Christopher - she shares these attributes with her Greek counterpart of the Crossroads, Hekate.
Yet unlike Hekate, who has a wealth of information about her, perhaps because of her extraordinarily ancient origins, there is very little formal or documented information about this mysterious Goddess. Indeed, I could find scant reference to her amongst my own rampant collection of Goddess books and oracle decks (I have far too many to count, it’s definitely getting out of hand but more on that in another post!) only finding two cards. My favourite, and what I intuitively feel captures her essence, is the depiction of her in The Goddess Dream Oracle by Wendy Andrew on the ‘Your Path’ card.
Even in one of the few remaining myths about her, “The Dream of Macsen Wledig”, from Welsh legend, The Mabinogian, Elen appears first to Mascen in a dream as if a visitation from another world. The legend goes thus:
Mascen, Emperor of Rome, takes a nap whilst out on a hunting trip in some woods and in his dream (or perhaps it’s more of an astral travelling experience) he appears in a beautiful mystery land. He roams this green and fertile land and eventually comes across a beautiful maiden whose beauty is radiant like the sun. He goes to kiss her but then awakes before he can (don’t you hate that?!).
Well, he does and can’t forget the dream, eventually sending messengers out to hunt for the land and, more importantly, the maiden whom he is certain is real and to bring her an offer of marriage. They find the beautiful Elen in the groves of Wales and demand she come and meet the King. She refuses and says if he wants her, he must come himself into the forest to find her and offer his hand himself. (Brilliant.) So he does travel to Wales and seeks her out and proposes himself and they marry.
Elen is a Goddess who will help you navigate your path. However she will not just come to you if you’re staying in one place. She won’t step in and presume to tell you your path as a linear clearly-explained route whilst you’re sat on your couch, comfortable where you’re at. Just as she doesn’t appear directly to Mascen - she appears in a dream and he must go on an adventure and seek her out. She won’t let his messengers do his bidding. She is deliberately elusive - it’s all part of her medicine and magic. She steers us not with maps or directives. But by lighting up our dream pathways, our intuition and our wild, instinctive animal sense of navigation.
As the Keeper of the Forest, she is the Goddess to call on when you have come to (or when you are really ready to embrace) the archetypal space of The Forest in your life:
“...[The Forest] requires first that you enter it, and then that you get lost within it. You may think there is a path to lead you straight through, but soon enough you’ll be on what is known as the pathless path. There are tricksters here, dense foliage, and entanglement. But equally present are the glimmers of fairy light and friends among the trees. You’re on an adventure now, and there’s no turning back, so embrace the dim light and the moving shadows. Whether literal or imaginal - brave The Forest and get lost getting found.”
- Kim Krans, The Wild Unknown Archetypes
When we come across the great mythic space of The Forest in our lives, when navigating our way through unknown territory - physically, emotionally or spiritually - call on Elen. Just as her very name means light, she will light up a pathway for you. If you’ve detoured from the path destined or most aligned for you, she’ll guide you back. If you’re stumbling through the undergrowth she will gently steer you onto a trail. It may not be the trail you were originally trying to find but you might find it gets you to everything you are destined for in the most magical way if you can surrender and trust where you are being led.
Elen of the Ways, as Priestess of the sacred paths, is the Patron Guardian Goddess to guide those who have strayed off the conventional and comfortable path in order to follow ‘the Unknown’ or ‘pathless path’ of the Forest - the path of the Intuitive, the Seeker, the Shaman, the Priestess. She will help you to have the courage to forge your own path that’s most aligned for you.
Stepping off the conventional path can be a scary thing for the uninitiated. If you’re new to navigating a soul calling, call on Elen and she will help you activate your own spirit antlers to receive divine wisdom and guidance to help you survive your Forest initiation and the process of true self discovery and revelation. Antlers in Shamanic culture are believed to be symbolic of a giant psychic receptor on top of the crown chakra indicating a supreme ability to connect beyond the veil and connect with ally spirits.
Nope sorry - there is no asteroid for her or, at least, not one that’s been discovered yet! (which is rather appropriate for this elusive Goddess.)
The most powerful place to connect with Elen is in the Forest! Forest-bathing is a good place to start. If you dare take it further go on an adventure and camp in the forest/ the wild and commune with Elen as you navigate the wilds. Cheryl Strayed’s memoir, ‘Wild’. is a good example of someone navigating ‘The Forest’ in their life - both literally and figuratively!
Taking a pilgrimage to a sacred /pre-historic site or to receive energy from a certain place is also one of Elen’s paths you may be called to. If you keep seeing synchronicities to visit such a site or to go on a long pilgrimage, that is likely Elen nudging you for you may awaken to some key aspect of your inner self whilst on the journey.
It’s not just physical journeying Elen looks after but also spiritual - you could take a shamanic journey or astral travel without even needing to leave the house! There are many Shamanic tracks on YouTube that can help you journey if you feel open to this. Perhaps start with a guided one for beginners.
You could craft an antler headgear, wall hanging or image as symbolic of your choice to follow the path of your inner wild instincts and divine guidance.
For some guidance from Elen, check out my Patreon reading ‘Have the Courage to Follow Your Own Path with Elen of the Ways’ (one week free trial for all tiers on Patreon for limited time).
This beautiful music track Elen of The Ways - Forest Birds Harp Ambiance Music for Meditation
Other books/films that encapture the spirit of Elen of the Ways:
Priestess of Avalon book by Marion Zimmer Bradley (the Priestess Eilan’s Patron Goddess is Elen of The Ways.)
Songlines - book by Bruce Chatwin
The Old Ways - book by Robert MacFarlane
Films: Tracks, The Way, A Walk in the Woods